Constitutionalizing in the Anthropocene

Friday Fika – Planetary Targets and Social Justice

01 Apr 2022

Online (15:00)

This Friday we are delighted to be joined by Dr. Joyeeta Gupta from UvA, who works on transformative planetary justice through two projects: an ERC Advance Grant entitled ‘CLIFF’ [Climate change, financial coherence and Leaving Fossil Fuels underground in the changing North-South context]; as well as an Earth Commission project on Safe and Just targets and transformation, which speaks to environmental boundaries and their link to social justice issues. She will be presenting her work along with some new ideas that are currently under review at a few journals. For background reading, Dr. Gupta has provided us with a co-written article of hers on planetary targets and social justice, which I have attached. 

The fika is at 15:00

Those who have not received the invite / zoom link but who would like to join can email: m.c.leach [at]